Chromebook Review

Giovanni Santiago, Editor

Woodbridge Township high schools have incorporated Chromebooks into their curriculum. With positives and negatives, this year’s use of Chromebooks has exhibited the current transition of society becoming more technologically advanced.  

As a student at Woodbridge High School, my opinions on the devices range from good to bad. In some cases, the Chromebooks are used efficiently and create the best possible learning experience for students; however, in other times, they are distracting and seem to be integrated tediously for activities that are easier done in different ways.

It is uncertain to me if the positives outweigh the negatives when it comes to the laptops. However, this ambivalence should not hide the benefits that Chromebooks bring to education.

For example, the constant access to Google Classroom allows students to maintain awareness about assignment due dates, preventing procrastination. Also, the site grants students the ability to study past powerpoints and notes. This tool is not only beneficial for students but teachers as well. Educators no longer have to sort through a massive stack of papers to see if a particular assignment was handed in, nor, in some cases, have to grade dozens of quizzes if they choose to use Google Forms.

With modern technology flooding the lives of everyone in the Twenty-first century, the replacement of older forms of education prepares students for what is to come in the near-future. Hard-copied textbooks will not be as prevalent as it is today, so it is of paramount importance for students to be accustomed to as much technology as possible. In addition, the Chromebooks provide students a lesson in responsibility, preparing them for their adult lives.

However, in my experience, there are inconveniences to Chromebooks. The most obvious example is the distractions that Chromebooks bring. With the entire internet within a student’s grasps, it may be difficult to resist the urge of watching sports highlights or online shopping when a lesson is being taught. 

To me, some teachers seem to unnecessarily force the use of Chromebooks when they’re not needed. For example, online textbooks can cause great difficulty when doing an assignment. In those situations, a hard-copy book is much easier and faster. Similarly, doing worksheets with paper and pencil is quicker and more comfortable for some people.

Another major setback that Chromebooks bring is the reliance on student responsibility. If a student forgets their device, they are unable to complete the assignment given. Therefore, they must be accommodated to complete the activity.

Indeed, there are going to be positives and negative repercussions when introducing a new concept. However, the problems with Chromebooks will undoubtedly improve over time, and the perks that the idea brings will continue to make education easier and more accessible.