Woodbridge Youth Enjoy Science has a website with all information.
Woodbridge Youth Enjoy Science is a club that allows students to learn and gain insight into science-related careers and become health ambassadors serving as mentors for the community, especially middle schools. It has multiple events such as addressing the dangers of vaping to middle schoolers or attending the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. The advisor, Mrs. Tolentino answered a few questions in an interview regarding the club.
“I’ve been teaching in Woodbridge High School for 18 years, I came up with Woodbridge Youth Enjoy Science due to students asking for it and the shortage of nurses in our community.”
Students are very selective of the clubs they choose due to the benefits or advantages they will receive from them. Mrs. Tolentino quickly responded, “The benefits come from the speakers, field trips, career insights, and being aware of exciting paid internships and scholarships for medical and allied health fields.”
Club members, William Petersen and Jaya Duvvuri commented on why they joined the club and its importance in our community.
“I joined Woodbridge Youth Enjoy Science mostly because of my friends but also to do something outside of school to help my community. It’s essential to me and the community, we help children learn the dangers of vaping or bring awareness to cancer,” said William Petersen.
Jaya Duvvuri said, “Health is very important for today’s youth as we progress as a society, I learned a lot of things such as cancer prevention or the dangers of vaping and have been helping bring awareness to it, allowing me to be a helping hand to the community.”
Woodbridge Youth Enjoy Science is a club that allows students to become mentors and learn more about science-related careers. A highly recommended club for anyone interested in becoming a doctor, chemist, scientist, and other related fields.