The flyer for 2024's Trunk or Treat Photo Credit: Ms. Dercole
On October 30, advisors, club members, and volunteers will gather to give snacks, drinks, and candies to visitors for Woodbridge High School’s annual Trunk or Treat. The school aims to bring the community together and advertise through social media.
Trunk or Treat is an unforgettable event where people of any age celebrate and have fun.
“It brings us together to celebrate joy,” said Mr. Modeszto, teacher and club advisor at WHS. “To see people wearing creative costumes, for people to be happy and celebrate the Trunk-or-Treat and enjoy the day.”
In traditional trick or treating, children are allowed to wear costumes and go door to door. However, due to modern times, the conventional trick or treat has been changed to a modern and safer alternative.
“People will still go out to trick or treat,” said Ms. Dercole, the organizer for the school. “The trunk-or-treat is for the community.”
In addition, this brings diverse communities together and minimizes the differences among people. “It brings happiness and nothing is more important than that, ” said Mr. Modeszto.
Celebrating happiness is an important part of being human. It is great to see everyone is helping each other. We all have different backgrounds but in this event, we get along since the school hosts this event to bring joy and make a great time for staff and children.
“Last year was excellent. I hope this year will be wonderful. It is not for ourselves but for the community. and seeing people helping out during the Trunk or Treat,” said Mr. Modeszto.
Trunk or Treat is a memorable event where visitors celebrate joy and create beautiful memories with others. On October 30, people will see many surprises, not just candies.
“They expect to see children with their parents playing games, music, and [hopefully] a lot of donations,” said Ms. Dercole.