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The Barron Perspective

Student Written, Student Produced

The Barron Perspective

Coach Fudge Named Head Coach for Girl’s Track

An assistant for both Track and Football, Coach Fudge gets his head coaching debut!
Coach Fudge looks on coaching during his time at WHS Photo Credit: @whstfxc on Instagram

Behind the great success of any sports team is a great coach. For the Woodbridge High School Girls Track Team, this is Coach Fudge. 

Coach Fudge first began his coaching career in 2020 as coach of football at William Paterson University, which would be shut down shortly after due to COVID.

Fudge stated, “Unfortunately, COVID ended that opportunity for me as our season was shut down, but that turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it led me here to WHS.”

Coach Fudge is a multi-sport coach here at WHS, which began with him coaching football in 2021. Last year, he became the assistant track coach, which makes this year his second year with our track team. This past winter, Fudge also added basketball to his coaching resume.

This season, Coach Fudge was given the opportunity to move up from assistant coach to head coach of girl’s track, which he jumped on immediately. This was a great choice by Fudge, as he has led his team to a plethora of great accomplishments.

The 4x400m relay team finished 1st in their heat at Penn Relays, and earned themselves medals. Secondly, the girls 100m shuttle hurdle team ran a 1:03.67 last week at GMC relays which was good for first in the county and allowed them to qualify for nationals.

With the upcoming GMC individuals, the WHS girl’s track team has some athletes competing for county championships. This included talented freshman Ciara Murphy in the 400m hurdles, who has the number 3 time in the state for all freshmen, senior Keira Bolanos in javelin, and junior Tatiana Camilo in long jump, triple jump, and high jump.

“Hopefully we do well enough to get all the way to the Meet of Champions,” stated Coach Fudge.

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Brett Ayers
Brett Ayers, Reporter
Brett Ayers is a freshman and first-year reporter for the Barron Perspective. Alongside writing for the newspaper, Ayers is also a volunteer firefighter for the Fords Fire Department.

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