Pokemon is an anime show that has been a popular anime show throughout the years. The show first aired on April 1, 1997, and ended up making several shows. Pokemon affects the global audience through its story and characters through its show. Many Woodbridge High School students have watched this show considering it the most memorable and very influential in the prime time of the Pokemon timeline of its universe. They also created games; Pokemon Sword and Shield or Scarlet and Violet which is another popular game played by Pokemon fans.
Pokemon creates a global impact on the audience. Around the world and through its story, it creates a stronger fan base. Introducing new regions, characters, and storylines in the show leading to a broad Pokemon universe. Through its storylines, it follows the nostalgia of old characters appearing from previous Pokemon storylines creating emotional connections between the characters make the audience catch their attention. It creates adaptations from its previous shows or games which is exciting for fans to see things in the show. Also creating loyalty in Pokemon fans towards the show and its company which creates more possibilities for the show to promote more about sharing experiences with others.
It creates an expansive universe and promotes it. Gradually throughout the story, it showcases a different Pokemon world through the Pokemon journey show. Moreover, the depth of this show keeps both older and new fans engaged with the show to learn more about Pokemon, while it also allows the franchise to promote more to a wider audience. Besides the show, Pokbringsbring important moral themes like teamwork, perseverance, and friendship. These messages relate with audiences in their daily life influencing their perspectives in positive aspects.
Furthermore, it establishes the foundation and creates more franchises of show seasons, other Pokemon shows, and games. Due to the show’s storylines and previous shows, Pokemon has a larger wide fanbase. Many fans engage in Pokemon fandom’s community activities like creating and sharing fan art with others. Including participating in Pokémon-related events. This bond creates a strong global community in the Pokemon universe. Furthermore, with its franchise being successful from Pokemon and its previous shows. It creates more opportunities for fans to engage in Pokemon World and understand more about Pokemon. With its new shows and spinoffs, games, merchandise, and movies. Creating big revenues for the Pokemon franchise.
Overall, through its storyline fans were able to explore new aspects of Pokemon through the appearance of new characters, regions, and storylines that weren’t introduced in previous shows. Leading to creating a stronger wide fanbase and broadening the Pokemon universe by introducing games, new shows, spinoffs, and merchandise.
Ali Raza • Dec 6, 2024 at 9:46 am
This is honestly pretty cool, I just don’t agree with how I describe the 1997 epic event?