by Jose Gomez
Woodbridge High School’s very own Sports team, to everyone’s amazement, did a thing last week.
In a competition/match/game/event against some other school, the WHS Sports team did a thing that completely annihilated its opponent.
“It was truly a surreal experience,” said the coach, whose team loving calls him “Coach.”
“Just seeing my team out there, doing a thing, I was so proud. More proud than I’ve ever been of my own children.”
The members of the WHS Sports team have practiced their whole lives to be able to do things. They had a lot to say about what many are calling their greatest high school achievement.
“When I’m out there, I am the warrior. All I see are enemies that want to stop me from reaching my main goal in life: doing the thing,” said the dim-witted muscle of Woodbridge’s esteemed Sports team. “I will do whatever it takes to get a thing. With respect, of course.”
“It’s not as easy as it looks, you know,” said the Sports team bench warmer. “You get out there into the playing space, you try to get the object, and once you do, you have to move it somewhere else. It only looks easy because we have put every last ounce of all our energy into the thing for years.”
The team hopes to go even further this season with their things. They hope to win the small championship, and then the larger one, a larger one, and then possibly, the largest one.
“It’s about more than just winning and stuff like that,” said the egotistical leader of the Sports team. “My team is like a family to me. I have never made stronger friendships than I have when I’m out in practice or in a game, moving stuff from one teammate to the other and getting the thing done.”
The Sports team’s doing of things just goes to show the exceptional talent here at Woodbridge High School. The Barron Perspective would like to congratulate the Sports people on their accomplishment.