Academic Center of Excellence

This is the layout for what the ACE Room is expected to look like when finished. The ACE Room is located where the library previously was. Picture courtesy of the Woodbridge High School website.
October 6, 2017
For the 2017-2018 school year, Woodbridge High School has moved away from a library format and has introduced a brand new ACE Room. ACE stands for Academic Center of Success and has been introduced to help improve students’ 21st century education.
Over the summer, the process of dismantling the library and putting together the ACE Room was begun. All of the books were cleared out, and new furniture and equipment were ordered.
“This space will include desktops, Chromebooks, and large TVs that are connected to the internet,” said vice principal Mr. Chiera. On these desktops and Chromebooks will be certain research websites, including Gale Database, EBSCOHost Databases, and the Woodbridge Public Library.
Also included in the ACE Room is a back lounge area where students can “relax as they complete [their] assignment or read,” according to vice principal Mr. Perry. College visits will also be held in the new room, as well as conferences and workshops.
As far as benefits of the ACE Room as opposed to a library, “The added space that was gained by moving to this model will allow a far greater number of students to access technology on a daily basis.” said Mr. Perry.
In deciding to move away from a library model, administration got input from both staff and students. “In talking with staff we found that teachers wanted greater access to technology for their classes. Feedback from students was that an updated ACE Room would provide them greater availability to education on an individual basis as well” said Mr. Perry.
Mr. Chiera hopes to, “continue to build on the ACE [Room] and each year make updates that will bring creativity to learning and teaching.”
“We felt comfortable moving away from the library model knowing that we have such an amazing public library right here on our campus. Having a Woodbridge Public Library in such close proximity made this a much easier decision.” said Mr. Perry
The ACE Room will be accessible for students during their lunch period or before school begins and teachers will be able to sign up to bring their classes during their block.