Ms. Vuksanovich Loses Zen
April 1, 2019

It has come to the attention of the faculty and students that physical education/yoga instructor Ms. Vuksanovich has recently lost her zen.
Ms. V. has been teaching physical education at Woodbridge High School for eighteen years now, and students know her for her easygoing attitude.
“It started with her inability to laugh at one of our jokes,” said sophomore Amy Kapel. “Then, a few days later, she couldn’t even crack a smile when we walked into the gym.”
The students thought it may have been because she has been instructing a yoga class on Wednesdays after school for teachers, as most of them were lacking zen and it may have been rubbing off on Ms. V.
Her symptoms have gotten progressively worse. She has begun to forget her yoga poses and has been getting frustrated with her gym classes.
Word started to spread around the school that she was becoming more aggressive when the Science Research class began to look into the problem. They believed there might be a scientific reason for this loss of zen.
“Ms. V. may have a chemical imbalance which could have triggered this reaction,” said sophomore Kaitlyn Pinto. Ms. Clarke, the science research teacher, agreed and began to prepare a solution that would help Ms. V. get back to her usual behavior.
The Woodbridge High School band also got involved by preparing a relaxing instrumental piece for Ms. V. to listen to in an attempt to restore her zen. “Perhaps the mixture of guzheng and flute instrumentals will bring our beloved Ms. V. back to normal,” band director Mr. Kohn said.
However, the student set to play the flute for the song got bronchitis and was unable to perform for her.
Staff and students are trying to figure out how to help Ms. V., but she has not been cooperating. The Barron Perspective reached out for a comment from her and received no response.
As of right now, Ms. V. still has not found her zen. Until she does, dance teacher, Mr. Bunch, will be taking over the yoga class until further notice.