Welcoming Ms. Kimble to Woodbridge High

Kanwal Chohan, Editor

Ms. Kimble is a new teacher at Woodbridge High School who has been teaching in the district for 18 years. Before she began teaching at Woodbridge High School this year, she taught at John F. Kennedy High School. 

Barron Perspective: What is your name?
Ms. Kimble: My name is  Nicole Kimble 

BP:  What do you teach?
MK:  I teach English 3 and Algebra 2

BP: When did you begin teaching and why?
MK: With the goal of motivating and inspiring students, I began teaching in Woodbridge on December 1, 2001.

BP: Why did you choose to work at WHS?
MK: After conducting interviews for college admissions at a private college, I made the decision to become a high school teacher.

BP: What’s the most difficult part about teaching high school special ed?
MK:  As a novice high school teacher, I have yet to experience a difficult moment with my students.

BP: What is the best part about teaching high school special ed?
MK: I enjoy helping students become advocates and motivated to learn challenging concepts.

BP: What advice would you have given yourself when you first began teaching?
MK: My experience has taught me that successful teachers are flexible and student-centered all the time.

BP: How has your time been at Woodbridge so far?
MK:  [How has] high school been so far? WONDERFUL!

BP: Why did you choose to teach special education students?
MK: I enjoy helping students develop an “I can” mindset.