(End of Cold War) On This Day – December 3rd

Michael Thomas, Editor

On this day, December the 3th, in the year of 1989, then U.S. President George H.W. Bush and U.S.S.R. leader Mikhail Gorbachev released statements that signify the hostilities seen during the Cold War are coming to an end, and therefore the Cold War itself.

The two leaders were meeting in Malta to discuss cooling tensions between the two superpowers, and in a sign of solidarity, the two leaders pointed towards the “war” coming to an end (Wilson Center) (History).

However, the official end date to a war with no battles is hard to define. 

Some people classify the end of the Cold War with the collapse of the Soviet Union in December of 1991 (History Extra) (Brookings).

To read more daily facts and tidbits and about the Cold War, see the Barron Perspectives “On this Day Archives” webpage and such articles as “On This Day – October 30th (Tsar Bomba)” and “On This Day – November 16th (Estonia Sovereignty)”.