Honor Societies of Woodbridge High School

Brian O’Halloran

Photo of Woodbridge High School.

Riley Ivanitski, Reporter

Woodbridge High School has a great selection of honor societies. Whether you are gifted when it comes to math, English, music, foreign languages, or all of the above, there is surely an honor society meant for you.

The first honor society to make its way to our school is National Honor Society in 2009, but the organization was originally founded in 1921. The National Honor Society of Woodbridge High School has two co-advisors, Ms. Kavaja and Ms. Balle. Ms. Kavaja explained that she and Ms. Balle just became co-advisors this year “through our individual expression of interest and selection from administration.”

In order to be considered for National Honor Society, a student must be either a junior or a senior, have completed at least two semesters at Woodbridge High School, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3. Once you have met those requirements, you are then evaluated on your merit. Ms. Kavaja noted, “Candidates are evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, and character.” 

Your merit evaluations must meet these requirements: you must not have received a “D” or below in any classes for the marking period or as a final grade (with the exception of honors or advanced placement courses), must not have an excessive number of unexcused absences or lates (any amount exceeding 8 impacts your candidacy), and must not have taken disciplinary action that resulted in ACS or OSS.

National Honor Society is an incredible way for students to be more involved in school altogether, as well as be a part of a healthy environment. It’s also an amazing way to be recognized for academic talents and have hard work pay off.

If you find yourself to be gifted in specific areas rather than school as a whole, Woodbridge High School offers subject-specific honor societies. Honor societies that made their way to our school this year are Quill and Scroll, the English honor society, and TRI-M, the music honor society.

As described on their website, Quill and Scroll is, ” an international high school journalism honor society that recognizes and encourages both individual and group achievements in scholastic journalism.” It may be no surprise, but Mr. O’Halloran is this honor society’s advisor, as he teaches all of the journalism classes as well as other English courses Woodbridge High School offers. According to Mr. O’Halloran, the school technically had Quill and Scroll, but never partook in activities. Naturally, when the school decided to start the honor society up again, Mr. O’Halloran fit the role perfectly.

Last but not least, if you find yourself musically involved at our school, TRI-M may be suitable for you. TRI-M is a national music honor society that finally came to Woodbridge High School. Co-advisor Mr. Kohn explained that since he was in TRI-M as a student, he has wanted to bring it to our school for a very long time, and he’s so excited to be an advisor alongside the choir teacher, Mrs. Romero.

To find out more about the honor societies listed here, and other ones the school offers, there are many resources on the school’s website to see what would be best for you and cater to your talents the best.