Senior Wiguna “Barron of the Week”
Erica Wiguna Was Given a T-Shirt and Praise for Being a Good Citizen
C. McNish, N. Morgan, and E. Wiguna are the Barrons of the Week for the week of October 29th. They were acknowledged for helping their fellow Barrons.
January 3, 2023
Woodbridge High School Administration introduces Barron of the Week to celebrate good acts from students in the school. Erica Wiguna is among students chosen to be “Barron of the Week.”
Barron Perspective: What is your name?
Erica Wiguna: Erica Wiguna
BP: What grade are you in?
EW: 12th grade
BP: Were you randomly chosen or was there a process to being selected?
EW: I’m not exactly sure how the process works but it’s definitely not random. I think students who have notably done good actions get chosen by administration as Barron of the Week.
BP: How did you feel when you got chosen?
EW: My first block teacher just told me the principal wants to see me. When a student is sent to the principal’s office usually it insinuates something bad, so on my walk down to the office I thought about all the possibilities of why I have been sent to the office. Eventually Dr. Lottmann and administration revealed that I was selected as one of the Barrons of the Week for helping a student get her pencil case back with values in it.
BP: Do you believe that the selection process was completely fair? Why or why not?
EW: I think the selection process is fair because there is always a reason why students get chosen.
BP: What is your opinion on Barron of the Week? Do you think that there should be more incentive for Barron of the Week?
EW: I think it’s really cute how 2-4 students every week get rewarded for doing morally good things. However, I do not fully agree that there should be incentive, such as Barron of the Week, for students to want to do something good. I believe people should follow morals simply because it’s the right thing to do, not because they want to be Barron of the Week. Barron of the Week should be seen as more of a recognition, rather than a reward or incentive.
BP: Do you think it inspires people to be a better person?
EW: Barron of the Week may inspire people to be a better person, but it increases the dangers of people being “better” for the wrong reason. For example, a student may help out someone because they want to be Barron of the Week, but that student should help out someone because they know it’s a good thing or the right thing to do.
BP: Is there anything else you would like to add?
EW: I feel really happy to have been chosen as Barron of the Week not once, but twice. Dr. Lottmann, Ms. Panko, and Mr. Casey are an amazing administration team who are extremely kind and supportive. I genuinely try to be a positive addition to this world, helping people smile and making their days better, so I appreciate being recognized for it.