Power Book IV: Force premiered on February 6, 2022, breaking network records with 3.3 million US views alone. The show follows Tommy Egan, a drug lord who moves from New York to Chicago to become the most dominant. Tommy Egan is a true leader who will do whatever it takes to protect his money. Unfortunately, one of his closest allies meets a tragic end in the season finale. However, the unexpected turn of events sets the stage for an even more intense and gripping new season.
The audience’s overwhelming response led to an early renewal for a second season because they were excited to see Joseph Sikora’s return as the iconic ‘Tommy Egan’ and his new journey in a new city. STARZ Chief/President Jeffrey Hirsch expressed that the show’s unprecedented debut made it clear that fans can’t get enough of Tommy Egan and they are eager to see what’s in store for him.
While TV executives have praised the show, some fans have been less responsive to “Power” compared to other spin-offs in the franchise. However, the nail-biting season one finale on Sunday, April 17th, demonstrates that “Power” is equally as compelling as the early days of “Power.” Joseph Sikora’s excellent performance as Tommy Egan, who takes over Chicago’s drug game and faces new challenges, contributes to this.