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Student Written, Student Produced

The Barron Perspective

  • Half Day Schedule for 1/29, 1/30, and 1/31
  • Semester One Final Exams on January 29 and 30
Student Written, Student Produced

The Barron Perspective

Student Written, Student Produced

The Barron Perspective

Alex Ryan

Alex Ryan, Reporter

Alex Ryan is a senior at Woodbridge High School, taking his first journalism course, writing as a reporter. Journalism is just one of the many writing courses Ryan has enrolled in, as he has a high interest in several types of writing, including both fiction and nonfiction. In addition to that, Ryan is also a member of the Woodbridge High School swim team.

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Sports Balls with PPP

Fall Sports Cope with COVID

Alex Ryan, Reporter
November 16, 2021
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Alex Ryan