When we leave elementary, middle, and even high school there is one thing all those schools give you. Besides the knowledge they would also give you a yearbook. The yearbook has all of the students and teachers in it and what they were in such as being in 6th grade or the 6th grade teacher for math that year. Woodbridge High School is no exception to having its own yearbook. The yearbook club is currently working on the yearbook and is about 10% done. The current deadline is in March for when the yearbook should be finished.
The yearbook is currently being worked on by two teachers and around 25 to 30 students who act in a very organized structure with there being five editors. Of those three of them are seniors and two are Juniors. Despite having all pictures and names there are still some issues that slow down the process. Such as having new transfer students who won’t show up in the book or people who just haven’t even gotten a picture. Although students could have gone to the studio responsible over the summer to take their picture in case they didn’t have the time before.
Now as for every yearbook that Woodbridge High School makes they also decide on one specific design such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid. While the Barrons Perspective couldn’t get the exact theme as it’s being held as a secret until it’s released what we do know is that it’s decided by the students with it having non traditional Barron colors and black and red. For those who are excited to get they’re hands on the newest yearbook the pre orders will be out by June and after that the prices will go up but anyone can buy them after the first release of pre orders.
As we were speaking to Ms. DeLeo one of the teachers in charge of the yearbook she would leave us off with this quote:
“When I was a student here I was a part of the yearbook team and it meant so much to me then. TO see it from the other side and guide students into what they want is such a rewarding feeling. I love to document the history of the school through the student’s eyes and see all the changes we have been a part of over the years.”