Pink-A-Thon Takes Strides at Woodbridge High School

Brianna De Jesus, Editor

Pink-A-Thon is now at Woodbridge High School.

Pink-A-Thon started as a running event for those who have been impacted by breast cancer to raise awareness and gain donations for charitable foundations. Instead of a marathon happening once in the month of October to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, people all over the world can participate in different Pink-A-Thon events.

This is the first year that Woodbridge High School is hosting an event. Pink-A-Thon is taking place on October 27th from 3-7 PM inside cafeteria 125.

For admission, student volunteers have been selling pink wristbands for the past month for $3 dollars and to get in on the day of the event, admission will be $5.

At Pink-A-Thon, WHS hopes to raise $2,000 in which all proceeds will go to South jersey Breast Cancer Coalition (SJBCC).

At Pink-A-Thon there will be activities being run throughout the entire time such as a pink fashion show, a dance contest, and much more. This activities are put in place for those in our township and elsewhere to come together strong and raise awareness.

The person in charge of this event is senior Preethy John along with her advisor Ms.Kavaja.

When asked what made her want to help host such an event she told The Barron Perspective this: “At WHS, through AP Language and science, I’ve done research on breast cancer and I read about how devastating this cancer can be on families, patients, and survivors. I’ve also had a traumatic experience happen in my life and wanted to help others who might be dealing with the same thing similar to what I went through.”

The event is student ran with lots of volunteers participating, most of them being seniors. One of those volunteers is senior, Melanie Cordova.

Melanie discussed her excitement about the event with The Barron Perspective. “I in general love helping people and seeing smiles, and being a part of change.”

Preethy John, Melanie Cordova, and other volunteers at WHS all hope for a great event and for those in the township and anyone else to come out and support to be a part of change and raise awareness.